Double funding boost for Brierley Hill
Brierley Hill High Street is in line for a £2 million boost from Historic England to improve the High Street!
On top of the news that Brierley Hill has progressed to the next stage of the £1 billion Future High Streets Fund, the High Street will also be attracting millions in funding from Historic England.
The scheme will see improvements to properties in the High Street, many of which are empty and need repairs to bring them back into use. There are also plans for improving the street scene in the High Street, including making gateway entrances at each end of the High Street more attractive.
Local Conservatives, including Mike Wood MP and local campaigner Adam Davies, have been pushing for improvements to the High Street and Dudley Council, now controlled by the Conservatives, are delivering.
Celebrating the news, Dudley South MP, Mike Wood, said: “This is absolutely brilliant news and a much-needed initiative that gives us a chance to inject a new breath of life into Brierley Hill High Street.
“Brierley Hill has a proud heritage, and whilst it faces significant challenges, it has fantastic potential for a vibrant and thriving future if we can transform the town centre into an area where people want to come, to shop, to live and to socialise."
Cllr Ian Kettle, cabinet member for regeneration and enterprise, said "This substantial investment from Historic England will allow us to invest in Brierley Hill, supporting local businesses and hopefully enticing new businesses to this central location. We look forward to working with them on the next stage of this process, the Programme Design.
"Alongside the Metro extension which will be coming to Brierley Hill in 2023, and the DY5 enterprise zone this investment will help us breathe new life into the town and continue to make Brierley Hill the place to work, invest and grow.
"On top of that we have the green light to progress a bid for £16million from the government’s Future High Streets Fund, which means we are continuing to invest in this important town centre."